'''3.''' A new window pops up:
'''3.''' A new window pops up:
'''4.''' Select the first option, and choose how many days listings you want to grab.
'''4.''' Select the second option, and then find the location of
XmltvConsole.exe by clicking on the … button. The path should be as
shown in the above screenshot.
'''5.''' Click OK
'''5.''' The Startup parameters box defines how many days’ listings you want
to grab. You can either leave this box blank to grab the default 14 days,
or if you would prefer to grab fewer listings to keep the file size low,
enter /dn, where n is the number of days listings to be grabbed. So for
example, /d8 would grab 8 days listings. Please note that the maximum
is 14 days.
'''6.''' You will now be back to the first window. Again, click options, and this time select the second option. This will tell MEI to automatically look for the configuration file on your system.
'''6.''' Click OK
   Exception encountered, of type "Error"